Proof of Concept of the Design of an Automated System for Controlling and Monitoring the Biological Cycle of Nitrogen Employing Artificial Vision for the Care of Fish in Huancayo, Peru

© 2023 by IJCEET

Volume 1 Issue 1

Year of Publication : 2023

Author : Diego Parco-Llorona, Alvaro Chávez-Urbina, Héctor Valcarcel-Castillo, Deyby Huamanchahua

DOI : 10.56472/25839217/IJCEET-V1I1P104

Citation :

Diego Parco-Llorona, Alvaro Chávez-Urbina, Héctor Valcarcel-Castillo, Deyby Huamanchahua, 2023. "Proof of Concept of the Design of an Automated System for Controlling and Monitoring the Biological Cycle of Nitrogen Employing Artificial Vision for the Care of Fish in Huancayo, Peru" ESP International Journal of Communication Engineering & Electronics Technology (ESP- IJCEET)  Volume 1, Issue 1 : 22-31


Abstract :

The present paper developed an automated system based on artificial vision that controls the biological cycle of nitrogen to improve the care of the aquariums of Huancayo. The general objective is to implement an automated system to manage and supervise the natural process of nitrogen and to test its effectiveness in the care of ornamental fish. The research is shown as quasi-experimental and correlational. For the development, we used the mechatronic methodology explained in the VDI-2206 guide that focuses on the systematic development of innovative mechatronic products through the V-model for the sequence of steps and rapid prototyping of the design in a CAD program. The project achieved autonomy in its operation and the maintenance of stable conditions for different species of ornamental fish by maintaining the values of ammonia from 0 to 0.25 ppm, nitrite between 0 to 0.25 ppm, and nitrate between 0 to 5 ppm, all these thanks to the correct interpretation of artificial vision and accurate measurement of the sensors that allowed it to take quick actions, in addition to controlling the parameters of temperature, pH, and lighting to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. Implementing this system dramatically improves the effectiveness of ornamental fish care, facilitating the preservation of medium or large aquariums in any home and extending the lifespan of pets.

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Keywords :

Aquaculture, Arduino Mega, Artificial Vision, Automated System, Biological Nitrogen Cycle.