Writing Competence in English among Tamil Speaking students of Tamilnadu

© 2024 by IJELLR

Volume 2 Issue 1

Year of Publication : 2024

Author : Dr. M. Sundaram

: 10.56472/25842773/IJELLR-V2I1P102

Citation :

Dr. M. Sundaram, 2024. "Writing Competence in English among Tamil Speaking students of Tamilnadu" ESP-International Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Research (ESP- IJELLR)  Volume 2, Issue 1: 5-16.

Abstract :

This study uses samples from the Madurai District of Tamil Nadu to investigate the methods used by English language second language learners whose mother tongue is Tamil and the extent of their writing proficiency in the language. Samples were selected from the Madurai District's twelve colleges. A random selection of fifty students from each college was made, with equal weight given to men and women. Consequently, a corpus of 600 undergraduate students from 12 colleges in the Madurai district of Tamil Nadu was collected by means of a structured questionnaire that contained 50 items categorised into different grammatical categories, such as numbers, nouns, verbs, articles, prepositions, fill in the blanks, use the forms in the appropriate contexts, match the following, complete the sentence, etc. This study's primary goal is to assess the writing proficiency of Tamil-speaking students learning English as a second language. It also promotes recommendations for enhancing undergraduate students' writing proficiency.

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Keywords :

Writing Competency, Tamil Speaking Students, English As Second Language (ESL).