The Current Status and Solutions to Improve English Listening Comprehension Skills at Tan Trao University

© 2024 by IJSHMS

Volume 2 Issue 4

Year of Publication : 2024

Author : Bui Thi Hoang Hue

: 10.56472/25849756/IJSHMS-V2I4P103

Citation :

Bui Thi Hoang Hue, 2024. "The Current Status and Solutions to Improve English Listening Comprehension Skills at Tan Trao University" ESP International Journal of Science, Humanities & Management Studies(ESP-IJSHMS)  Volume 2, Issue 4: 17-25.

Abstract :

In the context of international integration, improving English listening and comprehension skills among students at Tan Trao University is an urgent requirement. However, surveys indicate that many students still struggle to understand lectures, discussions, and specialized materials in English. The main causes include: (1) lack of opportunities to use English in daily communication; (2) outdated teaching and learning methods that focus excessively on grammar and vocabulary rather than listening and comprehension skills; and (3) limited facilities and resources to support English language learning.

To address this situation, the university needs to implement a comprehensive set of solutions, including: (1) enhancing international exchange activities to provide students more opportunities to practice English; (2) reforming teaching methods with a greater emphasis on listening and speaking skills through topic-based listening and discussion activities; and (3) investing in modern facilities such as language labs and specialized English libraries. With these synergistic solutions, Tan Trao University can significantly elevate students' English listening and comprehension abilities to meet the demands of future global integration.

References :

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Keywords :

English Listening And Comprehension, Language Learning Challenges, Teaching Method Reform, Internationalization, University Language Learning Environment.